Welcome to Extrudalizer's help center! We're here to provide you an overview of features and documentation for this amazing tool.

The Extrudalizer script allows you to take any 2D Shape Layer and extrude the path into virtual 3D space.You have control over its 3D position and rotation around the origin and its own center, as well as the ability to scale the front and back faces, map artwork layers to them, and more.


Moreover, it is 100% Lottie web player compatible, allowing you to animate and export it effortlessly using the Bodymovin plugin (no baking needed).

📖 How to use Extrudalizer


First steps & Overview

Tour of the User Interface

Tour of the Layer Controller


Map artwork to Extrudalized shape

Manipulate gradients

Parent layer to Extrudalized vertex

Improve performance

Animate origin shape

Perforated/Toroidal/Annular shapes

Create composite shapes

Construct complex objects



Baking (for iOS and Android apps)

Lottie Export

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